We set a very limited number of cookies for the purpose of remembering settings (so you don't have to keep setting them), and to help us understand how people use our website. We only set cookies which are essential for the correct operation of our site and to ensure the best experience for our visitors. We do not store any personal information.
Here is our complimentary cookies menu:
Remembers that you have read our cookies notice and when (so we can notify you of any updates to our cookies).
Set by Cloudflare Content Delivery Network (CDN) for remembering security settings. We use a CDN to ensure our content is delivered to you as quickly and reliably as possible. https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170156-What-does-the-Cloudflare-cfduid-cookie-do-
, _gid
We use Google Analytics to measure visitor activity on our website so we are able to identify issues and improve the service we provide. Usage data is sent to Google Analytics in anonymous form for reporting.