Communication Portals, Online Web Applications and Mobile Apps… are just some of the new sections you’ll see on our website.
Our website is split into sections; Communication Portals, including our products intouch and inprogress, web and mobile application development. Making the website easier to navigate, with dedicated sections for bespoke areas with more information about web and mobile application development.
We’re proud of the work we do, combining our knowledge of online web technologies and the water industry. Using our specialist knowledge, we develop software to provide businesses with the tools to communicate and share information with their customers and colleagues.
Developing our portals or online solutions is bespoke to you, depending on what your business is looking for, we work with you to gather the requirements and understand what you are targetting to get the best results. Often, off the shelf software is limited in functionaility, not only to match to your unique processes and features that can eventually lead to workarounds, reducing the value and trust in a system. We spend time with you and your teams to get the best fit, developing an application to fit the way you work, getting the best benefits out of a flexible cloud based service.
With the changing nature of technology, we want to be ahead of what's next, giving our customers the best in cutting edge solutions. Changes in the water industry, moving towards AMP7 and the latest updates with PR19 mean finding innovative ways to ensure all customers have a preference when it comes to communication. Our portals and bespoke web applications are able to create a platform for this to happen, creating an experience with your customers, improving their satisfaction and trust in your company by keeping them informed of all the information they need, accessible at anytime.
We create experiences that make people's lives simple.
Speak to our creative team for more information about working with us.